Tuesday 7 October 2008

Sure signs of a debt problem

Many people struggle with debt and only take advice when they have anguished for months over where to seek a remedy. In the meantime they may have missed the triggers that would have warned them of an impending debt problem and as a consequence they may have built up more problems than simply owing a bundle of debt.
The sure signs of a debt problem
The following is a list of the typical progression that an individual will experience from debt free to debt meltdown. If you are reading this and recognise any of the stages then you need to pick up the phone to Help With Debt whose link is attached.
· Stage 1: Debt instigator (e.g. unemployment, lost orders, death, cash flow, redundancy, sickness, marital breakdown etc.)
· Stage 2: First missed payment and initial creditor pressure.
· Stage 3: 'Robbing Peter to pay Paul' – the loan to service debt principal
· Stage 4: Multiple debts coupled with increasing creditor calls.
· Stage 5: Contact with creditor - promise to repay (agreement to pay whatever they ask just to make the calls stop)
· Stage 6: The breaking of promises to leading to an escalation of calls and letters
· Stage 7: Individual responses, e.g. depression, frustration, anger, denial
· Stage 8: Legal pressure - letters from solicitors, court summons, court orders often leading to bailiffs action and then again agreeing to unrealistic repayments.
· Stage 9: Financial meltdown.
· Stage 10: Priority creditors pressure as even most essential payments are missed leading to bailiffs action, disconnection of utility supplies, loss of home.
· Stage 11: Final degeneration being mental breakdown. marital breakdown, domestic violence, deterioration of physical health.

If you recognise the above check this link for a solution. http://steves-helpwithdebt.blogspot.com/2008/10/some-debt-management-advice.html


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